First Ever Blog
In all honesty, my thoughts usually stay locked away inside my head.
This isn’t due to them being of outrageous, embarrassing or unspeakable in
nature, it is simply down to the constant battle of turning them into comprehensible words.
This blog shall be a blank canvas for mini splatters of my
tornado mess of thoughts; or as titled, “Small Bites of Fudge”, for
whoever fancies some sweet random reading.
My general chatting and rambles will include thoughts about what the world is getting up to and how my faith and love for Jesus impacts my daily life. It will include all things random from an occasionally sane guy,so please don't hold back in joining the conversation with your opinions and questions.
Winston Churchill once said "a good speech should be like a woman's
skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create
interest", so with that in mind, I will end my first ever blog here.
TTFN - Ben.
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